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Women's Ministry

We, the ladies planning committee, love Jesus and enjoy using our various giftings to serve Him and the ladies in our church and in the community. We enjoy doing things like breakfast testimony times, Mother's Day events, summer walks & coffees, BBQ's, outreaches to shut-ins at home and senior's facilities, and a yearly Ladies Retreat. You are welcome to join us!


I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
- Philippians 4:13

Kids Ministry

The heart behind our kid's church program is to create a safe environment where kids feel welcome, have fun, and grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus and the Bible.​


Our kids enjoy the worship service with their parents and are dismissed when the sermon begins. We welcome ages 3/4 to 12. Parents, please come to sign your children in and out. ​ 


Our awesome team of trained volunteers are here to partner with you in the spiritual development of your children and family.  


There is also a nursery room available for parents with children too young for the organized Sunday School program.  As this is an unsupervised space, parents are required to stay with their children while they are in the nursery.

Image by Ben White

Our Missionaries

Northern Canada/Abroad 

Elsie is a gifted speaker and evangelist for Jesus Christ. She is a revivalist with a heart for the nations, travelling worldwide to share the love of God.

Elsie ministers in almost every country - Estonia, Cuba, Jordan, Thailand, Mexico and Israel, just to name a few, though her heart is with the native people of northern Canada and Cuba.


She has crisscrossed Canada multiple times, visiting churches and doing women's retreats and revival meetings. She has seen Jesus heal, save and set people free!

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Norvil is the founding Pastor of Living Waters Church. After many years serving our congregation, Norvil and Letty felt God calling them to serve in Ecuador.  


They've planted three congregations  in the south central part of the country.  One of them is located in the city of Alamor, where they have built a facility that houses their church family and their children’s ministry. 

In this facility they have constructed classrooms, a spacious kitchen, an eating area, and a playground.     Many children from low-income families come on a regular bases, and are given a meal, sing, do crafts,  and participate in lessons where they are taught morals and values based on Scripture   

Norvil and Letty’s passion is to minister to the lost and to see many come to faith in Christ.

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SAM Mozambique

Dwight and Lynn serve the people of Mozambique, South East Africa, as an expression of Christ's love. They've established a preschool, grade school and sponsorship program that serves extremely poor children and orphans. An extensive feeding program provides thousands of meals per week to those in need, as well as formula for babies. 


Two remote clinics serve between 12-15,000 sick and injured each year. 


They operate a bible and leadership training program serving over 17,000 national leaders and pastors and have been blessed to see hundreds graduate, many of whom now lead churches. 


They are also part of literacy and agriculture training to be God's hands and feet to so many in need.



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Haiti Arise​

Mark and Lisa Honorat have served with Haiti Arise for 20 years. Despite many hardships and challenges, they change lives in many ways from nourishing newborn babies to sponsoring technical college students; rebuilding homes and healing the sick.


They operate several schools, provide legal aid to those unjustly detained, run a children's village, train farmers and distribute seeds, run a medical clinic and birthing center, drill wells and much more. 

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Earl and Ruth Trekofski
SAM Brazil

Earl and Ruth have served in Brazil since 1970. They established the Mount Horeb Training Centre, a Christian based Educational Institution that serves children in day care through high school with 500+ children in attendance. They operate a medical & dental clinic and offer ‘free of charge’ dental care for the sponsored children in their school, as well as numerous others.  There is a thriving church; a soccer school, and a number of other community programs.

The Trekofski's have dedicated their lives to helping the poor in the community, especially the women by teaching literacy, sewing, handcrafts, nutrition, quilt making and made sure that their children were in school and had enough to eat.

They have been a life-changing blessings to the people of Brazil and are part of our congregation and Elders in our church. 

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Other Missionaries

David and Erin

Dave and Erin minister in a major metropolitan city in the Middle East. Their primary ministry is to reach the unreached with the good news of Jesus. Their vision is to see people grow and become faithful disciples of Jesus, sharing the vibrant truth of the gospel. They aim to plant culturally authentic, self sustaining and multiplying churches. 

TJ Family 

 After serving in the Middle East for 6 years, the TJ family of 5 now live in Eastern Africa and are able to share Jesus with people who have not had a chance to encounter Him before.
Living and working among unreached peoples, they get to be the hands and feet of Jesus and light up the darkness,  They plant seeds, share hope, and walk alongside people as they become disciples of Jesus and then send them out to multiply.

Image by bill wegener
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